How To Shed The “Snooze ’til The Last Possible Minute” Identity

I have a confession to make. I wasn’t always a morning person.
Getting up in the morning used to be a terrible process. I would hit the snooze button over and over, sleeping until the last possible minute. When I no longer had enough time to get ready, I would drag myself out of bed and into the shower, and then race to get myself and my kids prepared for the day. There were lunches and snacks to pack for my kids, a smoothie to make for me, shoes to find, and bags to organize. I would snap at my family if they got in my way as I scrambled to get everything set. After dropping my kids off at school, I drove to my office, and opened the door to my waiting room, usually to find that my first appointment was already there waiting for me. I would slide into my office chair 5 minutes late, and start the session as I turned on the lights and powered on my computer. It was so embarrassing, and a terrible way to start the day.
One day I read a book that changed my life and began my journey to becoming a happy morning person. My process did not magically improve overnight, but I made one small adjustment at a time. I bumped up my wake up time in 15 minute incremements, allowing several days to adjust to each new time. I created a series of routines that would set the tone for a positive mindset including writing in a gratitude journal and rehearsing positive affirmations. Finally, I…..gasp….. began exercising for 30 minutes before my kids were awake. I never would have imagined this could be possible. I was NOT a morning person! {I’ll share these details in another blog post}. The tension in the house evaporated, everyone was happy as I dropped the kids off to school, and I got to work earlier, ready to start the day with a sense of calm and ease.
My morning routine has evolved over the years as my kids have grown up and become more independent, and the demands of my daily schedule have changed. However, here I am 10 year later, a cheerful person who wakes up easily at my desired time. My mornings are intentional and peaceful. It’s a far better way to start the day!
I have since read numerous books on this topic and created an easy-to-follow guide.
It will show you exactly what to do from the moment the alarm goes off to set yourself up for a glorious morning and an even better day. You do NOT need to remain a “snooze til the last possible moment” person.
Click the link below for this guide and it will be delivered right to your inbox.
Cheers to peaceful mornings!
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