Welcome to my blog! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am married to Josh and have two amazing boys, Jack (age 10) and Tyler (age 8). I am a psychologist and have a private practice where I work with adults. My specialty is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a...
My Recommended Books One of the most impactful habits that will change your life is Personal Development or PD. PD entails reading and listening to audiobooks or podcasts that teach you to improve yourself, your mindset, and your inner world. You will learn more about...
A Picture Says a Thousand Words These photos evoke so much emotion for me! They bring me back to Summer 2016. The summer of walking and logging a bazillion steps, soaking in sunshine and fresh air, noticing the beautiful flowers around me, and sorting out the thoughts...
The Pandemic Persists…Winter Hibernation I wrote a similar article in the spring when life all of a sudden got turned upside down. Pandemic….. Quarantine…. Physical Distancing…. Remote Learning …. Sports and Travel all cancelled…. Economic Downturn… All at the same...
Your Morning Routine How much do you think about your morning routine? It’s possible that your answer is not much! But I would guess this: You DO think about how you typically feel when you wake up. You may be groggy, bitter that you have to end your...
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